Some humans have suddenly begun manifesting superpowers, being Lifted. The world reacts defensively and aggressively. What will you do?
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Check those Addresses!
about 3 years ago
– Wed, Mar 02, 2022 at 08:01:23 PM
By now you should have emails from Backerkit for updating addresses, orders, etc before they are locked in. PDFs will go out early next week. The prints have a different layout and will go to Smartpress on Monday.
Thank you for being patient with me on this. I learned some things that are harsh to say so I posted my nicer thoughts on my substack as to not embarrass my grandma. I certainly slowed things down taking the first pass at the layout learning Affinity vs staying with Indesign. I also prolly played more Champions Now sessions than was offered. 1-2 sessions became 3-4, 4 sessions became 6. Those games were awesome, I wouldn't change that. Thank you for the experiences.
-Mad Jay
What's next?
waiting for one more detail...
Happy Holidays! Get those spirits LIFTED!
about 3 years ago
– Fri, Dec 03, 2021 at 06:30:11 AM
Welcome to the last mile.
I'm making my last edits - I hope. Layout work is happening. All the art pieces are in. It's heads down and pencils up! Core PDFs will release first, followed by prints. We'll ship both print versions as they roll off the press. I'm afraid I will run into the holiday mail traffic though. I'll keep you updated.
After 3-6 games sessions times seven groups of players I still have love and a full play tank for Champions Now. Thank you all for your patience and for providing an opportunity to run one of my earliest and favorite superhero systems and play these games with you.
Also, big thanks to Ron Edwards for fielding Champions Now build questions during my run.
The Otherworldly eXorcists!
over 3 years ago
– Sun, Sep 26, 2021 at 05:48:10 PM
Wrapping up pre-gens for The eXorcists. Seven X-Men/X-force inspired characters for play in Lifted with stats for Champions Now. Our Champions Now 2- statements:
Lifted powers are destructive and frightening.
Supernatural investigations in Rio.
AND art by award-winning independent publisher and comic creator Mulele. He's nailing my character descriptions! You can catch up with him on twitter!
Here's a peek at his WIP. Any guesses on who the inspirations are?
Edits Now!!
over 3 years ago
– Wed, Sep 01, 2021 at 08:29:19 PM
Edits, edits, edits. That's where my draft is currently. I'm looking at digital releases in late Sept. Prints shipping in November depending on the last rounds of game sessions playing out. I also have a few art pieces to commission still.
Project: OWL
I'm signing on to run Champions Now for Gauntlet Con Open Gaming in October. I'm statting up my X-Force hack from AW Burned-Over into Champions Now.
Lifted powers are destructive and frightening.
Supernatural investigations in Rio.
You can also catch my rant about Champions Manga Now! on substack. I post about playing a couple of my favorite manga shows in Champions Now.
An update from the Racks!
over 3 years ago
– Tue, Jul 20, 2021 at 06:05:58 PM
Hello, gamers!
I have been running lifted sessions and wanted to share the current round of games and updates:
Concept: Powers are dangerous and weird. They are treated as fringe by the media and hunted as cryptids. Setting: Defending humanity against foreign diseases worldwide.
Characters are agents of the Red Corporation. The CEO, Dr.Lira Clark makes the job challenging for the team.
Chicago's F1n3st
Concept: Powers are society's new witchcraft. Setting: Chicago PILOT. Solving the Lifted problem one block at a time. An exo-suit jockey and a Lifted partner up in Chicago’s PILOT initiative to manage the emergent dangers of Lifted manifestations.
A villainous lesson in Variable Power Pools.
VPPs have been throwing many a player for a loop, from concept to implementation. I try to talk folks down, especially in our short games. You might not get your points worth using a VPP. I feel like VPPs reward creative concepts, you're getting some bennies for thematically building your character. SO I made the villain Flint to demonstrate why I would use a VPP and how I would build it. Inspired by Marvel's Sandman, and John Wick. Flint is a Lifted assassin. Years of experience. I hear he's in Chicago these days.
A Big welcome to Juan Ochoa. He is on board to draw the Lifted antagonists!
Flint, sketch by Juan Ochoa
Next: CRASH!
Prepping and casting my all-star Champions Now sessions, just when Lifteds figure they're the top dawgs...